We are switching to lemon.markets brokerage GmbH for the stock fund offering. The new partnership will enable us to offer you additional investment products and savings plans in the future. So that you can view and manage your investment in the app as usual, you must actively agree to the switch to our new partner. This means that you apply for a new securities account with lemon.markets and transfer your investments from Baader Bank to lemon.markets in the app. After the successful migration, your Baader Bank account and securities account will be closed. You have received 2 e-mails and a letter from Baader Bank. The first e-mail was an information e-mail to explain the current situation, the background and the next steps. In the second e-mail we gave notice of termination and the letter from Baader Bank is the corresponding ordinary termination of the securities account.At the moment you do not have to do anything and there are no costs for you at any time during the switch. As soon as the securities account can be moved to our new partner, you will be informed by e-mail and can then initiate this change with just a few clicks in the app.